兩個 夸克 組成的 粒子
稱為 介子(mesons),
介子 未是 基本粒子
三個 夸克 組成的 粒子
重子 未是 基本粒子
In particle physics,
"basic particles" or "fundamental particles"
are those that are not composed of
smaller particles.
They include:
- **Quarks**:
The building blocks of hadrons,
such as protons and neutrons.
- **Leptons**:
Particles such as electrons and neutrinos.
- **Gauge bosons**:
Force-carrying particles,
like photons
( which mediate
the electromagnetic force ),
gluons ( which mediate the strong force ),
and W and Z bosons
( which mediate the weak force ).
- **Higgs boson**:
A particle associated with the Higgs field,
which gives other particles mass.